Hosted by Jay Claxton and featuring special guest producer DJ Drama, the Remy Producer Series began the first round of our national competition in Chicago. With lines that wrapped around the corner and music industry tastemakers in attendance, this event was the perfect place for an unknown star to emerge. Guest judges KYLE SANTILLIAN & DJ MOONDAWG of GCI 107.5 were in the building with music provided by DJ MILEHIGH and they were ready to find out what kind of heat was coming from our contestants. Local up and coming producers, GOLDY BARRA, TR3ASY FROM THE CHI, and KRYLON VISION competed with their best tracks to win over the judges and crowd. In the end, Goldy Barra, took the top spot and will move on to the semi finals. There are many more events left to complete the 1st round and the competition will only get tougher from here. Visit and follow @remymartin to stay current with contest news and events.
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